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Tuesday, January 25, 2005

A Night of Prayer

My moneyclip is getting lonely with only 200 bucks to safeguard. So after having lunch on the second floor, I went to UCPB and withdrew money.

Instead of going to Sanry's, I went to Czarina's. According to my sources, they offer a higher dollar exchange rate. They were right. 55.6 pesos to a dollar. I checked out Sanry's. 55.45. Good decision, eh?

Before heading back to the office, I checked for a possible replacement of my iPod earphones. Got disappointed because the shop I visited at Digital Exchange only sells flimsy ones. Bummer! I also tested some of the speakers that they offer. They have the JBL speakers priced at 12,500. But the best one is a Bose speaker at 17K. Hmm.... Controlled myself.

Checked Bibliarch for Coelho and King novels.

I had a meeting with my fellow extended "managers". We discussed APAS, Policy Revision, Summer Outing, and some photo contest on our Shared Values.

Break at Delifrance. I had roast beef sandwich with chips. OJ to complete my meal.

Continued my Java training material development. I'm on the subject of downcasting. Need to think of a good example tomorrow.

Attended our SOLV prayer meeting. It's the first of a series of talks about "Prayer". Tita Malou talked about how "God speaks to His people". She said that communication is the lifeblood and heartbeat of every relationship and our relationship with God is no exemption.

She told the story about Habakkuk wherein the impatient prophet kept on complaining about not getting answers to his prayers. The Lord's answer was for him to wait but still pray.

There are hindrances to our listening to God: Sin - disorients us to Him, makes us self-centered (guilty), causes prayers to go unheard; and Worldly Things - dull our senses.

God's words are never for our own entertainment or merely information, but rather for obedience. Simply, we must learn how to obey his words.

God uses many ways to speak to us. It's not how the words are said but what is said. You will also know if it's really God that is speaking. You will know how to respond or obey. After hearing, we must be willing to do whatever He asks us to do. And lastly, we must never prove it's really God that spoke to us. Let the words testify.

When praying, we must connect with God. It doesn't matter where we are. We can even pray with our eyes open! And most importantly, we must be real. He knows everything so we must not be pretentious.

Lastly, Tita Malou made us memorize John 15:5: "I am the vine, you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit. Apart from me, you can do nothing." She told us to reflect on those words.

After our prayer meeting, Eric (the bro who also lives in Cityland) walked home with me. We found out that he knows Doths, Tabel, and Joy. Small world, eh?


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