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Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Sore Thighs & "The Waste Lands"

When I woke up today, I got some pains in my thighs. This is the effect of not having any type of exercise. After my one-hour workout last night at the frisbee game, I could barely walk today. Bummer!

Arrived at work at 9 exactly again. No sign of my students from eCom. Had coffee and some biscuits. Around 9:30, they arrived so I started the class. We finished today on System Activities. I let them start working on their case study.

Did some frisbee throwing before lunchtime. I lost my moves. Bummer!

Talked to Mims about some QA training, Vee on the schedule of their Customer Support trainings, and sent Alistair some SQL references. All this, during my breaktime in class.

Went home after class. Did my grocery. Continued my painting project. And finished "The Drawing of the Three". Started with "The Waste Lands".


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