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Monday, March 21, 2005

Back to Slimmer's

Joyish approached me at my cube and told me about me testing assignment. Chatted with Glyneth and we divided our workload. This week, I'll be doin nuthin but testing.

Over lunch on the second floor, we talked about our planned trip to Singapore and Vietnam through Tiger Airways.

Around 7, I hit the gym--after 2 long years. Jerome is the trainer assigned to me. He checked for my blood pressure first. He got a worried look in his face. He told me to rest for awhile. So I did. Then he checked it again. Still worried. Bummer! I thought, maybe I should cancel my lifetime membership.

Then he let me do some tests (some reaching stuff). I failed in most. Teehee. Next was the stationary bicycle. I warmed up for 3 minoots. Afterwards, it's a battery of tests once more. After performing them, he led me into a room and we talked about the program he designed for me. He told me that I need to do some stretching exercises and work on my cardio using the threadmill. I will be doing that for a month.

He accompanied me to the threadmill and I brisk walked for 30 minoots. It was fun. My iPod kept me company.

Next he showed me the stretching exercises that I need to memorize by heart. Good thing, he was supportive.

Around 9, I had a quick shower and went back to the office. I need to buy a padlock for my locker soon!


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