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Location: Philippines

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Makeover Mission Almost Complete

As soon as I got home in my Makati unit, I removed the airconditioner filter and washed it. Afterwards, I targeted the cover. It was full of dirty scotch tape residue. Took a scrub pad and got rid of the dirt. Whew!

I repositioned the heavy bookcase. Cleaned it up too. Moved my shoe rack across the room. Now it's near my door. Took my dirty clothes and left it at the laundry for cleaning.

I was super tired so I just had my dinner delivered. It took more than freaking 1 hour to reach my doorstep. Tapa King should be butchered.

My projects for this week: Buy some wax, scout for a wicked hamper, organize one last cabinet containing some gizmos & thingamabobs, and call a plumber for my leaky faucet.


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