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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

4 More Nights

I only have 4 more nights left in Cityland Tower. I'll be moving back to Bulacan on Saturday. I already informed my broker about my plan. I also contacted QuickPak for my packing needs. They'll be in charge of packing all my stuff and transfer them safely to my parents' house in Bulacan. That means, next week I'll be traveling to and from the province. I'm excited to arrange my old room which I once shared with my brother. Incidentally, tomorrow is the birthday of my big brother ;oP

I will miss the convenience of my condo unit. Anytime, I'd like to go shopping, I could go to different malls. Grocery ain't a problem either. I live beside Waltermart. For movie watching, I only need to pay 101 bucks to watch the latest films. Plus, it only takes 15 minoots to go to work.

That will all change next week. I'll be riding on FX, the MRT, and jeepneys again. I am preparing myself for the lack of sleep and hunger while traveling. Oh well, there's SkyFlakes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would avoid eating Skyflakes if I were you -- it is so NOT a diet food. The carb content, sodium content, and fat content of sky flakes, and most of the commercially available soda crackers are so evil, they are shunned by almost all dieters.

Healthy alternatives :
--Low fat granola bar or Protein bar
--Banana or Apple
--Low fat yogurt

5:31 AM  

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