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Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Time to Heal

It freakin' hurts when I do Number 2. I have to sit on warm water twice a day. I take painkillers at 9 am, 3 and 9 pm. I can't walk properly. I need to sit on a rubber ring for comfort. I bleed.

And then there's the diet. I request Dad to prepare food in a different way... not salty, spicy, nor oily. My water intake has increased tremendously. I seldom drink Coca-cola now.

My doc advised me to take my blood pressure twice a day for a whole month. So far, so good. I can say that I'm excelling in this department. With the adjustment in my diet, my BP is now 120ish over 80ish.

Having Lance and Fiona around really helps. They keep me company (and happy) all day long. When I ask 'em to bring me stuff like tissue and alcohol, they do it in a heartbeat.

Also, I get text messages from my good friends every now and then. This connects me to the outside world ;oP


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