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Location: Philippines

Monday, July 30, 2007

See You Soon, Butter

I went upstairs and fed Butter. Today's the day that I'll bring Butter to her new house. Ate Zeny, our neighbor, offered her house to be Butter's foster house. I dunno how long I'll be assigned in the States. Butter needs to be taken care of.

While playing with my dog, I can't help but cry. I told her that I didn't wanna give her up. I hugged her. She kissed me back.

After lunch, I carried Butter to her new house. Along the way, she kept licking my ears. She's wondering where I was taking her.

Butter's new caretaker is a guy named Albert. I instructed him that Butter likes to eat pan de sal and she eats only meat. I brought her water bucket and the cloth where she likes to lay down.

It breaks my heart to see her staring at me. Cried once more.


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