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Location: Philippines

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Am grateful that Ogz and Liz picked me up at the airport. We dropped off Liz at the office while Ogz and I took a quick shower before going to work.

Am like a walking zombie today. Got no sleep from the 4-hour flight. I drank some coffee while my laptop is awakening.I got my passport today. Canadian Embassy didn't give any information as to why they didn't give me any VISA. No stamp on my passport either. They just took my money and that's it. Dang it!

I got my pants that I bid on at eBay. When I opened the package, it's color forest green. Now, it IS Retro style but why would I wear a green pair of pants?! I'm not sure if I could pull this off or I'll just return it or dye it.

Fish, out. Superstar, in. Yep, that's the new name of our handsumlicious prisoner. This time though they're in Panama. The prison is dirtier than ever and there are no guards. He's IN while his big brother is out. T-Bag didn't show up until maybe about 20 minoots after. Grand entrance! I was looking for Sucre (he's damn lucky with Dayanara Torres). I wonder why Dr. Sara Tancredi is not in the opening credits. Liz mentioned that the actress is preggy. She might appear later in the season though since her character ain't dead-o yet. The unkempt Agent Mahone and Scofield are now BFF ;oP Oh, Superstar has an even bigger problem now--a mystery prisoner lurking in the dark.


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