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Monday, January 21, 2008

Blogging = Money

I found out about getting paid for blogging from my friend, Weng. She advised me to try it out. She knows that I love to blog. Been doing it since Oh-Five.

Normally, you have to submit the link of your website and then the website admin would review your blog if it meets their criteria. Often times, the blog has to be in existence for at least 6 months. For whatever reason, mine didn't pass. I don't know why.

Then came Smorty. Funny name, I know. But I got an approval e-mail from them. So for the first time, I'm excited to get paid for blogging. Hopefully, the promise to get 6 bucks for this entry alone sounds exciting. I'll keep you posted ;oP


Blogger Bel Certeza said...

Hey Don,

I have a couple of paid blogging links on my sidebar...

10:26 AM  

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