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Sunday, June 22, 2008

Cookout at Waterford, VA

Our day started with us preparing the dish that we'd bring to the cookout. We got an invitation from Jeff a couple of weeks ago. It will be held at his in-laws' place in Waterford, Virginia. We promised to bring sumpthin' and it was Ogz who suggested to cook a local spring roll called "lumpiang shanghai". My last version of lumpia was a success but the problem is, I couldn't find the online recipe. So anyhoo, I just looked for a similar recipe.

Richie and I diced the shrimp, carrots, onions and chopped some parsley. Got a huge bowl and mixed the following: 1 pound of ground pork and 1 pound of ground beef, the shrimp, veggies, 2 whole eggs, 1/4 cup of soy sauce, garlic powder, salt & pepper.

Before wrapping 'em up, we cooked a sample. Based on the initial feedback, it lacked salt & pepper. So I adjusted the taste.

It was Ogz & Raz who were in charge of the wrapping. Richie & I helped too. It took us a few minoots to master the wrapping. The egg white didn't work as a glue to the wrapper. I just got some plain old water and it helped.

Alwyn took over in the frying and making sure that the rolls are golden brown. While Lizette & Noel took care of the dirty dishes later on.

Then it was time to go. We reached the place around 4:30ish. Everyone was there, Jen's parents, Jeff & Jen, Hugh with his children, Sasha & his wife, Steve, and Pete with his kids. I also met a new four-legged friend named Hunter.
We were offered chips & drinks right away. I grabbed a Miller Lite. Sasha brought some wine too. Sweet!
Jeff was the burger/hotdog king.
Sasha brought along salad that he prepared, complete with anchovies. It was a hit. As for our rolls, well, they enjoyed it too. Teehee. The tenderloin was really x 3 good. I made sure also to give some food scraps to Hunter.
The eating didn't stop there 'cause desserts were also served. I got some chocolate bread that Steve brought.

Jeff gave Razil & I a tour of the old house. I heard it was built in the 19th century. Jen's parents did a good job restoring the house. It's my first time also to see a wooden-floored restroom filled with framed illustrations of dogs. Some stairs were quite steep too. While we're going down in one, Hunter couldn't go down himself. That was funny.

Jeff also offered to show us the town. We first checked out the sheep. They smell like goats! Pungent.
Visiting Waterford is like turning back the hands of time. The old beauty of houses and buildings were quite preserved (well, some of it). We saw an old store, a small post office, barns, and two giant tree stumps who got knocked out by a recent storm.
Back at the house, I found a football and practiced my throw with Richie. One of my past participants from AC taught me how to throw the ball. Unforch, I am such a lousy catcher. I injured my left pinky finger. Now, it's freakin' swollen =o(

Alwyn found some fireflies. He was given a jar and he put some of them flies in there. We took them home but eventually released them.
Back in the apartment, we played poker. Ogz taught Richie and Lizette how to play it. 'twas fun to play poker again with friends. Good thing that nobody was "pikon". Alwyn was the first one out. My luck was on vacay tonight. I wasn't getting any good cards at all. Lizette was the big winner of the night. Till next time ;oP


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