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Friday, January 16, 2009

Gym Days

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday are my gym days. I leave my rubber shoes at work so I just need to bring t-shirt & shorts. Around 4 or 5-ish, I go down to the office gym and spend at least 30 minoots on the treadmill, another 30 on the elliptical and another 30 minoots lifting weights.

For the past coupla days, I've been suffering pains on my thighs. Can't lift my legs without cringing. That is good, right? That means, something is happening inside. Maybe a muscle is being born ;oP

I hope in my next WeightWatchers weigh-in, I'd weigh less from all this effort. I'm planning to get a new scale too. I have to check Brookstone if they have a nice one. It's a good motivation to see a change in your weight.


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