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Tuesday, January 05, 2010

The Sweet Smell of Bacon

Don't you just love the smell of bacon in the morning?

I'm a HUGE fan of crispy bacon. I remember waking up to this smell every Saturday morning when I was in the States. Joyish would wake up early to cook for all of us (Ogz included). The minute the smell hits my nose, I'd be so delighted to get up and rush to the table.

Yep, bacon, eggs and fried rice is my ultimate breakfast meal. This puts me in a very good mood ;oP Perfect for shopping later in the afternoon. Teehee...

Now, I noticed that some peeps cook their bacon in the microwave. That's just a waste. In order for you to get it crispy, cook it on a frying pan. Lay them flat, NEVER use oil and use medium heat. Afterwards, get some paper towel to soak up the fat. When the excess oil is gone, you can pick your bacon up like a stick. *drools*

Anyhoo, here in the Philippines, unforch, we don't have IHOP where you can get your bacon fix anytime. Don't fret because I discovered that at SM Bowling Centers, they serve a decent meal of bacon, eggs and fried rice for only a hundred something bucks. Don't go to Pancake House. Their bacon breakfast meal sucks.



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